This page presents a sample of Space-Weather assets developed by the research community in France. These are data products and model output produced routinely by the different services supported by the founding agencies of OFRAME (CNRS, CEA, ONERA, CNES). For each asset you will find the link to the data producer at the host laboratory. Caveat: note that France does not yet have a national dedicated space-weather center with operational forecasters and therefore in case of outage the services can only be reinstated during normal work hours.
Discover Heliocast here
This image provides an overview of space environment : top panel = solar protons measured by GOES, the second panel from to = Kp magnetic activity index and next three panels = electrons (differential omnidirectional 1.6 MeV) and protons ( integral omnidirectional > 97 MeV and differential omnidirectional 27 MeV) in a L versus time plot along JASON3 orbit.
Expert contact : projet-ipode[ at ]
The 3Soleil/CERCLe observing service at Paris Observatory (Meudon) produces maps of radiation dose rates in the Earth's atmosphere for the needs of civil aviation. The radiation is produced by galactic and solar cosmic rays. The sporadic solar contribution during some large solar energetic particle events is evaluated using the SiGLERT model, which has been developed and is maintained at Paris Observatory. The galactic contribution is computed with CARI-7 and CARI-7A software of the FAA (US Federal Aviation Administration). Daily maps at various altitudes, updated every 3 minutes in case of a significant solar event, are displayed here.
Expert contact :Sophie Masson (sophie.masson[ a ] Fuller (nicolas.fuller[ a ]
Expert contact : Aude Chambodut (
(Click on the logo to access ISGI website)
(from ONERA, available soon)